You can go online for LEAP training


COLUMBUS — The Ohio Livestock Coalition is now offering Ohio Livestock Environmental Assurance Program (LEAP I) training online.

LEAP I offers livestock producers an opportunity to take a proactive approach in blending sound production economics with concern about environmental quality. The goal of the program is to minimize government regulations by providing producers with an educational program that addresses relevant environmental issues.


The program’s curriculum and educational materials are designed for beef and dairy cattle, sheep, swine and poultry producers.

It is coordinated by the Ohio Livestock Coalition in cooperation with the Ohio State University Extension, Menke Consulting, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Soil and Water Conservation, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and various commodity and farm organizations.


The LEAP curriculum includes the following:

  • Introduction to the environment: Covers the importance of a sound environment to the livestock industry and how improved environmental practices can help consumers view the industry more positively.
  • On-farm inventory: Provides a quick checklist to rate environmental priority areas on individual farms.
  • Key environmental management information: Discusses management of nutrients, facilities, air quality, odor and community relations.
  • An environmental plan: Uses the on-farm inventory and local expertise, such OSUE, NRCS, SWCD professionals, and private consultants, to develop an environmental management plan.
  • State and local regulations: Discusses what is required for environmental compliance and how to reduce liability.
  • Cost-share programs: Covers programs, such as Environmental Quality Incentives Programs (EQIP), that can help pay for environmental improvements on farms.


To register for LEAP I online, send a check for $25 made out to The Ohio State University, along with your name, address, e-mail address, and phone number to: Stephen Boyles, The Ohio State University, 2027 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1094.

Upon successful completion of the program, OLC will be notified and the participant will receive their certificate of completion.

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