Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Tag: #BAYBrecentbrags

Cassie Muniga got her first 9-point buck with a crossbow Oct. 23, 2014 in Lorain County, Ohio.

Melissa Dusek got this 13-point buck with a crossbow Oct. 18, 2014 in Medina, Ohio.

Dalton Eck, 13, from Chandlerville, Ohio, and his little brother, Dallas, pose a deer taken on the family farm. The 8-point buck is Dalton's first.

Beginners Luck! Alyssa Tavoletti bagged this buck during her first trip with a bow in Monroe County, Ohio on December 29, 2013.

Jarrod Rose, Homeworth, Ohio, took this 8-point buck.

Even Ferguson shot a doe in Mechanicstown, Ohio, on Dec. 11, 2013.

Maggie O'Donnell, Butler County, Ohio, shot this 8-point buck from 100 yards away on the last day of gun season.

Lawrence Kaufman shot this 12-point buck in Stark County, Ohio.

Nicole Davis shot this deer in Richmond, Ohio. It was taken from 45 yards with a 20-gauge.

Clancy Hall shot this 20-pound turkey just one day after Thanksgiving.