Sunday, September 8, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "commentary"

Tag: commentary

Editor Susan Crowell issues a stern warning to farmers in this week's commentary: If you farm, you need to pay attention to how you manage your farm to minimize its impact on the environment. Period.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2017 Census of Agriculture shows there are more of the largest and smallest operations and fewer middle-sized farms. Editor Susan Crowell ponders the numbers.

Just when you think farm life is going smoothly, those Flying Monkeys will come out of nowhere. Editor Susan Crowell shares farm insight from The Wizard of Oz.

Every day, a routine farm task — one someone has possibly done “a thousand times” — turns into a farm accident because we just don’t think the unthinkable will ever happen to us.

Editor Susan Crowell suggests everyone plays a major role in rejecting fake news.

Many have questioned why newspapers continue to run his columns. Alan Guebert weighs in on the subject.

At a time when support seems to be high for farmers, that support simply doesn't translate into higher prices for farmers, writes Editor Susan Crowell. We can feed the world, but we just can't make ends meet down on the farm.

Recently, my pastor, a former U.S. Army chaplain, noted that the only thing with a higher rank than a chaplain on any Army helicopter...

Letters, telephone calls, and emails from Maryland to Montana arrived daily to comment and question, debate and deflate.

Why do we listen to politicians who yell “Red!” or “Blue!” when we know the answers are not black and white? Because we’ve met the reductionists and they are us.