Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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Tag: dairy

Cooperation and working together are important values at Schaads Dairy.

New report, Turning the Tide, examines the current process of measuring a student’s level of intelligence when it comes to the college admission application.

Consumers who purchased Whole Milk (labeled as pasteurized) bottled by Pasture Maid Creamery in New Castle, Pennsylvania, are being told to discard the milk.

In 1926, 12-year-old Raymond Slutz, of Salem, Ohio, won a multistate essay contest about milk quality. Ninety years later, we share his essay, and the message that little things matter when it comes to improving milk quality.

2015 came to a close pretty much the same way it started: disappointing milk prices and negative margins.

As the temperature cools, here are some ways to keep your dairy cows healthy.

We are starting 2016 with Class III milk prices dipping into the $13 per hundredweight (cwt.) range for multiple months in the futures market.

A Holstein in Wisconsin, Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi, has set a national milk production record of 74,650 pounds of milk, with 2,126 pounds of fat and 2,142 pounds of protein.

Two panel discussions were featured at the joint annual partners meeting of the Center for Dairy Excellence and Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania in December.

This year’s Pennsylvania Farm Show butter sculpture pays tribute to the 100th Pennsylvania Farm Show and the state’s agriculture industry.