Thursday, May 2, 2024
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Tag: dairy

Canon Dairy has been around since the early 1900s. Keeping things current and trying new things, from conservation practices to business ideas, has helped the Canon family keep the farm going through the years.

The Michigan Milk Producers Association will acquire Superior Dairy in Canton, Ohio, a subsidiary of LEL Operating Co. 

The Ohio Swiss Cheese Association dissolved after several years of waning membership and interest, but the industry has a strong past and future in Ohio.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary Jewel Bronaugh announced Aug. 25 the establishment of a $400 million Dairy Donation Program.

Challenges related to markets, environmental stewardship and policy continue to push the dairy industry to adapt. The good news is, for farmers who manage their businesses well, there are still plenty of ways to be successful in dairy.

Senate Bill 434 would allow milk processors to apply with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to exceed the 17-day labeling code.

Bottling milk and selling it was never in the plans for Denmandale Dairy. Then the pandemic hit and store shelves sat empty of milk. They Denmans knew what they had to do.

The Ohio Attorney General filed for a temporary restraining order against the owner of Clermont County dairy farm after a massive manure leak polluted a nearby stream.

The McCarty and VanTilburg families partnered together on MVP Dairy, in Celina, Ohio. In addition to its focus on conservation, the dairy invites the public to visit and learn about what it is doing through its learning center.

An advantage of Ohio's dairy industry is that one herd size or management system does not fit all. Dianne Shoemaker explains in this week's Dairy Excel.