Thursday, May 16, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "Pennsylvania"

Tag: Pennsylvania

***Update as of Feb. 14, Pa. Governor Corbett signed the legislation as it was written. The bill now takes effect.*** To check out statements...

HARRISBURG -- Pennsylvania landowners struggling to gain ownership over their subsurface mineral, oil and gas rights could see some relief from a bill moving...

Experts at the Pennsylvania No-till Day held Jan. 31 in West Middlesex, Pa., say it takes the combination of no-till and cover crops.

A court battle is beginning over 6,000 leased acres in Carroll and Columbiana counties.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- The challenge of weeds that have become resistant to glyphosate -- the active ingredient in Round-Up herbicide -- has become an evolving national threat, with new challenges emerging and spreading annually.

When you live in Ashtabula County for a lifetime, you have snowstorm stories. The day I called Deerfield and said I wouldn’t be in...

A meeting was convened to gather expert testimony on the matter of Class II brine injection wells Jan. 17.

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pretzels, pickles, cheese and pancakes. Oh, where do I start? This is just a short list of the PA Preferred products...

YOUNGSTOWN — Without a doubt, injection wells in Ohio will continue to be a hot topic in the future.Youngstown Mayor Chuck Sammarone convened a...

If we don't tell the public about agriculture, who will? You know who will. So are you ready to start talking yet?