Worse crop conditions, better prices
It's a seller's market: Don't look back at $7 corn and $14 beans and wonder why you didn't sell those numbers going into harvest!
Quasar gets $1 million grant for anaerobic digester project at impaired...
WASHINGTON -- The Quasar Energy Group will receive a $1 million grant through the USDA to demonstrate the effectiveness of anaerobic digesters to process and manage livestock waste in the Grand Lake St. Mary's watershed.
Erratic grain markets after USDA reports
USDA cut the corn and soybean crop estimates in the Aug. 11 Crop Production Report, but the market has had two minds about the...
USDA’s FSIS tells inspectors to get tough on livestock mishandling
WASHINGTON -- The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) issued a directive Aug. 15 with new instructions to its inspectors to ensure...