Marketing cattle to get the highest price may take closer management
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio —One thing is for sure in the cattle market, there are no guarantees and it is constantly changing.The 2012 Eastern Ohio Beef...
USDA seeks to modernize poultry inspection in U.S.
WASHINGTON -- In a shift that will save money for businesses and taxpayers while improving food safety, the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service is proposing a modernization of young chicken and turkey slaughter inspection in the U.S. by focusing FSIS inspection resources on the areas of the poultry production system that pose the greatest risk to food safety.
FSA Andy: No one likes paperwork, but don’t miss key farm...
If you've bought or sold land, or added or dropped rented ground, be sure to let your USDA Farm Service Agency office know.
USDA reminds producers of sign-up dates for 2012
WASHINGTON, -- Enrollment for the 2012 Direct and Counter-cyclical Program (DCP) and the Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE) began Jan. 23. The last day for producers to sign up for either program will be June 1.
Market Monitor: Looking for direction in a snowstorm
When you live in Ashtabula County for a lifetime, you have snowstorm stories. The day I called Deerfield and said I wouldn’t be in...
USDA to close offices across country
In Ohio, five FSA offices and the ARS research center in Coshocton County to shut doors.
Kent State gets $225,000 grant to assist rural areas
KENT, Ohio -- Kent State University will receive a $225,000 economic development grant from the USDA to assist businesses in rural Ohio communities.
GIPSA files complaint against Sugarcreek Livestock Auction
SUGARCREEK, Ohio — Sugarcreek Livestock Auction owner Leroy H. Baker Jr. may be in trouble for allegedly violating the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards...
We’re entering the hope-and-change grain market
For some soggy Ohio farmers, the rain means no corn harvest progress may be made now until the ground freezes.
USDA lowers crop insurance premiums for corn and soybean growers
New crop insurance premiums for 2012 should reduce corn farmers' rates by 7 percent and soybean farmers' by 9 percent.