Generous buyers help make Pa. Farm Show Sale of Champions successful


HARRISBURG — The annual sale of champions marks the conclusion of the youth market livestock shows at the Farm Show.

The grand champions and reserve grand champions of the four livestock species – beef, swine, goats, and sheep- totaled $44,900, topping last years total of $32,800.

Grand champion

Chester County 4-H’er, Bryce Fitzgerald earned a bid of $15,000 for his grand champion junior market steer, “Nugent,” during this morning’s sale of champions at the 2009 Pa. Farm Show Jan. 13.

Hoss’s Steak and Sea House, a long-time Farm Show supporter, purchased the 1,360-pound champion. The second-highest seller was the reserve grand champion junior market steer, exhibited by Claudia Hissong, of Greencastle, Franklin County. The 1,420-pound steer sold to Quality Greenhouses & Perennial Farms and Fulton Bank for $7,000.

Swine sale

Following closely behind the steer champions, the 267-pound grand champion junior market swine, exhibited by Hannah Rohrer of Somerset, Pa., sold for $5,800 to Hatfield Quality Meats, a regular supporter of youth auctions across the State.

Lamb sale

In the lamb sale, Garrett Keith from Westmoreland County, sold his 144-pound grand champion junior market lamb to Alpine Building and Post Supply, for $4,900.

Market goat

County Cowden, of Washington County, earned a new record for the highest-selling grand champion junior market goat, in sale history. Fulton Bank, Bell & Evans Poultry, and Lebanon Valley Auction Company purchased the 89-pound market goat for $4,100.

Reserve grand champion junior market swine, weighing in at 266-pounds, owned by Sean Gallagher of Westmoreland County, was also purchased by Bell & Evans Poultry for $3,500.

The reserve grand champion junior market lamb brought in $2,200 from a bid by Westfield Insurance. Ashley Marshall of Indiana County, took the honor with her 95-pound market goat. Proceeds generated from the sale of champions are used to help fund the Farm Show Scholarship Program. At least one percent of the gross sale receipts from each animal sold is contributed to the fund.

Total amount

In total, 428 animals were sold in this year’s sale, grossing $277,740. This year, 23 youth scholarship winners were awarded $3,500, totaling $80,500. Since 1994, the Farm Show Scholarship Foundation has awarded more than $718,000 in scholarships to 319 students, from across the Commonwealth.


Before each species sold in the sale of champions, Outstanding 4-H Leader Awards were given to individuals representing species. The awards recognized those who volunteer their time to help motivate Pennsylvania youth to become strong leaders within their homes and communities.

Dr. Robert Mikesell, professor at The Pennsylvania State University and junior Livestock Committee Chairperson, coordinated the application process and presented the awards.

Pennsylvania 4-H Swine Leader Award: David McCoy, Indiana Co. Pennsylvania 4-H Sheep Leader Award: Jean McClellan, Crawford Co. Ira J. Coble Pennsylvania 4-H Beef Leader Award: Charles Porter, Columbia Co. Pennsylvania 4-H market Goat Leader Award: Nancy and Brady Kadunce, Clarion, Co.

Hannah Rohrer sold her 267-lb. crossbred market hog “Shakira” to Hatfield Quality Meats for $5,800. Hannah, 14, is from Somerset County, and is a member of the A Cut Above 4-H Club. Pictured are (left to right): Jerry Clemens of Hatfield, Breann Rohrer, Aubrey Moon, Levi Beal, Hannah Rohrer, Sarah Farley, Butch Clemens of Hatfield, Haylee Rohrer, Smiley the Hatfield mascot, Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding.
farm show sale.rohrer.WEB

David McCoy (left),of Indiana Co., was presented with the 2010 Pennsylvania 4-H Swine Leader Award before the swine sale Jan. 12 McCoy was nominated by participants in the Indiana County 4-H program for his efforts in exposing 4-Hers to events outside of the county fair, helping 4-H families in need, and selfless dedication to the 4-H program. Kurt Good (right), PA Pork Producer’s Council President, presented the award to McCoy. 2010 Pa. Farm Show

Nancy and Brady Kadunce, of Clarion Co., were presented with the 2010 Pennsylvania 4-H Market Goat Leader Award before the market goat sale Jan. 12 at the 2010 Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg. They were nominated for their introduction of the market goat to western Pennsylvania, when they introduced the goat department to the Clarion County Fair in 1992. Since then, they have promoted Chevon (goat meat) and developed one of the most competitive 4-H goat shows in western Pennsylvania. Dr. Bob Mikesell (right), presents the award to Nancy (center) and Brady (left).
2010 Pa. Farm Show

Courtney Cowden sold her 89-lb. market goat, Ziggy, for a record-breaking $4,100 to Fulton Bank, Lebanon Valley Auction Co., and Bell and Evans Poultry. Courtney, 18, is from Washington County, and is a member of the McGuffey FFA Chapter. Pictured are (left to right): Auctioneer Harry Bachman, Mike Firestine of Fulton Bank, Scott Sechler of Bell and Evans, winner Courtney Cowden, Dennis Grumbine, Ted Bowers of Fulton Bank, Glenn Wenger, Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding. 2010 Pa. Farm Show

Garett Keith sold his 144-lb. Hampshire market lamb to Alpine Building and Post Supply for $4,900. Garett, of Indiana County, and is a member of the Marion Center FFA and Northern Indiana Livestock Club. Pictured are (left to right): Matt Goehring, Richard Kreager and Garett Keith.
2010 Pa. Farm Show