Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Heavy ice cover, the kind that lasts well into the spring, could be the best thing that Lake Erie walleye anglers could hope for, according to Jeff Tyson, Ohio's lead guy in charge of Lake Erie's fish management efforts.

Rather than just guess which species I had seen, I contacted Dr. Don Wilson, emeritus curator at the Smithsonian Institution.

Sadness and loss come to us all, and dark times in life challenge us to find new, meaningful purpose.

A book titled Fordson, Farmall, and Poppin’ Johnny, written in 1987 by Robert C. Williams, tells the history of the tractor beginning with John Froelich’s 1892 contraption, generally credited with being the first gasoline engine powered traction engine, up through the 1980s.
Malabar Farm.

Richland County holds inaugural farm technology conference at historic Malabar Farm.
Grain markets on a rollercoaster

Grain producers everywhere are saying, ‘Please, Lord, give me another rally; I will know what to do this time!’
fruit preserves

Making jams and jellies is a science to be mastered.

Well, the show season is rather well underway. Have you been to any of your favorites yet?

We all love beautiful things, but there is the problem with them. They are all so fragile.

While we’re talking the olden days, we might as well reminisce about all the ways we defied sure death.