Wednesday, May 1, 2024
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

sunset on a farm

There are many organizations you can join to get involved in land conservation. Learn where to start and how to become a better caretaker of your land.
Cover crops field

Cover crops help build your soil profile and open channels to allow heavy rain to quickly infiltrate into the ground where it is useful to plants.

As you take a look at the opportunities for gathering information at workshop seasons, consider these tips to get the most out of them.

From creating ruts in pasture and crop fields to problems with livestock, mud can have a severally negative impact on your farming operations.
Soil and Water goals headline

"Healthy Soil and Pure Water" are the goals of the Holmes Soil and Water Conservation District, and of every soil and water conservation district in Ohio.
Fencing livestock out of streams

All farmers should try to prevent soil loss. It doesn't take long before topsoil is compromised and your ability to produce top-yielding crops is hampered.

Implement a more environmentally conscientious lawn care regimen and become a better steward of your land. Use these simple tips to get started.

Stuart Heavilin examines goal-setting for the new year and urges farmers to allow the best information to drive the way they run their operations.

Farmers need to be aware of best practices for manure. Learn more about ideas and assistance to keep your valuable nutrients in place.

While we are all huddled down, surviving the cold, with little else to do, other than work and keep livestock warm and dry, start setting goals for 2019.