Wednesday, May 8, 2024

“Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America’s Food Industry” details the ruinous impact baronial food families have had on rural America.
New Zealand

Alan Guebert shares the highlights from a recent family vacation to New Zealand.
Ag trade photo

Alan Guebert discusses the World Trade Organization's latest ministerial and how the lack of decisions on trade rules has weakened international markets.

Alan Guebert discusses the recently released 2022 USDA Census of Agriculture and how the numbers show a lack of change for small and medium-sized farms.

Alan Guebert talks about his dad's love for fishing and reflects back on the memories spent with his dad and brothers on the lake.

Alan Guebert discusses the bleak future of print journalism and the reasons why print newspapers are closing for good.
algae forecast 2014

Alan Guebert digs into the recent efforts of lawmakers to address nitrate pollution in waterways that is causing cancer.
Shanghai, China

Alan Guebert discusses the current economic woes of China and how this may play a part in U.S. and China relations for 2024.
Ag trade photo

Alan Guebert discusses how falling grain market prices affect farmers and what can be done to solve this problem.
Trump speaking at the American Farm Bureau Federation's convention.

Alan Guebert explains that though Trump claims to have gotten more money for farmers, the numbers show that farmers are actually doing better under Biden.