Wednesday, May 8, 2024
milk poured into glass

The U.S. and Canada continue to dispute the trade of ultrapurified milk, at a time when the U.S. could lose market share.

House Bill 175 permits residential property owners to keep birds, rabbits, goats and other small livestock. Learn how to raise them on five acres or less.
Hollenback family

Farming is a full-time job, but for this Licking County couple, off-farm jobs helped them get into farming.

If hay is harvested year after year and not fertilized, production will decrease substantially.
NFO speakers

The National Farmers Organization is educating beginning farmers about the importance of marketing and working cooperatively.
Loading hay

A second convoy to Ashland, Kansas, is scheduled to leave Duma Meats, in Portage County, early April 21. There's still time to donate to the cause.
planting soybeans

The grain markets are still focused on the Prospective Plantings Report, and some "new" news is needed.

University of Utah biologists observed an American badger do something that no other scientists had documented before: bury a whole calf carcass by itself.

It's disappointing so many Easter egg safety articles suggest making separate batches to eat and hide. There are safe ways to eat the eggs you hide.
Feed alley

The long-term issues depressing dairy prices are the strong dollar, the continuing Russian embargo on EU dairy imports, and problems in the Middle East.