Langes named top Ohio tree farmers


COLUMBUS — Walt and Donna Lange, of Swanton, have been named the 2010 Ohio Tree Farmers of the Year.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Forestry nominated the Langes for the 2010 Ohio Tree Farmers award because of their commitment to stewardship of their 56-acre tree farm in Fulton County, as well as their statewide efforts to promote the importance of forests and woodland conservation.

Since 1966, when they first purchased their property, the Langes have planted seedlings, installed windbreaks and stream buffers, conducted sustainable harvests, and hosted dozens of workshops for conservation agencies and the public.

Promote woodlands

The Langes have worked hard to promote the benefits of healthy woodlands within the Ohio Tree Farm Committee, National Tree Farm Operating Committee, the Ohio Forestry Association, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Forestry Committee, and in partnership with numerous northwest Ohio soil and water conservation districts.

“Forested land in northwest Ohio is not as common as in other parts of the state,” said Thomas Collins, Division of Forestry service forester who advises the Langes and nominated them for the award. “The Langes have applied a variety of forest practices to their woodlands and we like to show off the results to other tree farmers and landowners. They make forestry fun.”

Visit next September

A field day, which will be free and open to the public, is planned for Sept. 25 at the Lange Tree Farm, located 20 miles west of Toledo.

The event will showcase the forest management activities practiced by the Lange family and celebrate this statewide achievement.

The Ohio Tree Farm Program, organized in 1946, brings foresters, consultants and government agency officials together with experienced tree farmers to apply the American Tree Farm System standards of sustainable forest management in Ohio.

To learn more about Ohio’s Tree Farm Program or woodlands, visit the Division of Forestry’s Web site at

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