What we’re reading: 10/14

table with baking ingredients

The Golden Ticket. They’re been going strong since 1982, with only slight deviations in the variety of flavors. Mental Floss gives the background of the fruity candy Runts, plus some other famous Willy Wonka candies.

Lunch line. School lunches have been a hot-button topic for some time now. Modern Farmer dissects the issue, including the history of the school lunch program, the nutrition and price of farm-to-school meals and the politics behind it all.

Preventative health. National Geographic’s The Plate interviews one doctor who prescribes nutritious food before pills. Her reasoning? It goes back to “you are what you eat.”

Save the bees. In an effort to save the declining honeybee population, Steve Sheppard, head of Washington State University’s department of entomology and Paul Stamets, bee expert, have teamed up to feed bees the liquid extracts of mushrooms found in the forest. Via NPR.

Taste test. If you ever thought that all butter was the same, think again. Food52 gives the details on a butter-tasting contest to determine which version of the spread is the best.

Ag in the classroom. October is National Farm to School Month. Aside from a plethora of classroom activities and hands-on learning opportunities, students are provided with healthy food choices. Via National Farm to School Network.

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