Thursday, May 2, 2024
wheat field

There will be a shortfall in Russian wheat export sales due to the war in Ukraine. Alan Guebert explains how much this will impact global supply.
grocery store

Find out how the things consumers don’t know about today’s massive food retailing sector cost them every time they enter a grocery store or shop online.
aerial farmland

The late winter scrum is a showdown over how many acres of corn, soybeans, cotton and wheat acres farmers will plant. Alan Guebert weighs in.

Alan Guebert explains how globalization has led to one of the most efficiency-centered, imbalanced and fragile economies in history. 
Ag trade photo

For the second time in two years, a history-making calamity has shown just how fragile the world’s efficiency-driven, deeply interdependent food system is. 
aerial farmland

Should farmers be pleased that land prices appear to have room to rise or that today’s rocketing land prices might be running out of fuel?
Ethanol sign

How steep is the environmental price of ethanol? Will EVs lead to more opportunities for ethanol? Alan Guebert considers what the future holds for ethanol.
harvest, combine, tractor

Alan Guebert dissects a New York Times video, which blames American agriculture for "ravaging the air, soil and water." Did they get it right or oversell?
pork chops stacked up

Alan Guebert digs into two recent reports that defend the market power gained by U.S. meatpackers in the last 30 years.
dairy cows in freestall barn

Alan Guebert ponders the effectiveness of manure handling systems in reducing greenhouse gasses to combat climate change. Are they helping or hurting?