Sunday, September 8, 2024
Taking a bath

Youth loans are a great way for future farmers to get hands-on experience with the ins and outs of financial responsibility.

Please read up on all the farm safety tips you can find before you get busy with harvest.
volunteer hands

Northeast area Farm Service Agency County Office employees participated in the 2017 Feds Unite Against Hunger Feds Feed Families food drive.

Loan rates vary slightly by county but are around $1.97 for corn, $5.08 for soybeans, $2.66 for wheat, $1.71 for barley and $1.43 for oats.
chopping corn silage

Corn silage is eligible for FSA's nine-month recourse loans. And the silo it is stored in would be eligible for FSA's farm storage facility loans.
cell phone

To get information to you easier and more timely, you can now receive text message alerts from your local FSA office.

County committee members are a critical component of the operations of FSA. They help deliver FSA farm programs at the local level.

FSA's employees not only help customers understand the programs we administer, but they also care about their customers.

A local FSA office recently enjoyed dipping ice cream at the Ice Cream Barn for its county fair.

Talk with your local district conservationist about planting on highly erodible ground.