Thursday, September 12, 2024

A 10-year-old donated all the proceeds from the market lamb he brought to the Harrison County Fair to childhood cancer research, in honor of his friend.

Learn more about the history and evolution of the Farm Service Agency, and find out how you can help in your county.

If you have crop insurance or participate with FSA, you need to have a highly erodible and wetland conservation form on file.

The folks at FSA are looking for a few good producers to join their county committees.

Don't forget that the crop reporting deadline for spring-planted crops is July 15, and it will be here before you know it.

Microloans were created for new, small or specialty farmers. If you can't get credit elsewhere with reasonable rates and terms, this could be your answer.
corn kernels and dollar bills

The purpose of the FSA Loan Program is to provide funding to producers who can't attain financing from traditional sources of credit.
corn kernels and dollar bills

There are lots of things happening at FSA right now and I want to remind you all of a few important deadlines.

Our focus will soon be changing from planting to reporting your acres with the FSA. The final reporting date for all spring planted crops is July 15.

The Census of Agriculture highlights land use and ownership, operator characteristics, production practices, income and expenditures and other topics.