Thursday, May 2, 2024

Things change. Plans. People. Paint. We have left our marks in other ways.

Neighbors looked out for one another, and the kids were respectful of any adult who scolded them.

From the moment my children were thought of I loved them with my whole heart and a blinding devotion to protecting them from all harm — and me from the heartbreak that would ensue.

My pretty girl is taking her driver's test today and it's my job to hold down the plastic chair at the DMV and wait.

Columnist Kym Seabolt thinks if we do our best, and practice kindness and compassion, we all deserve a pat on the back and maybe a badge too.

Today, I am writing this in on my mobile phone while my son is undergoing his Board of Review to become an Eagle Scout.

Columnist Kym Seabolt on parenting: "I am raising adults — not children. If my children were to stay children all their lives, I would have done things a lot differently. I would have worried less about character and their ability to make it on their own."

The good(ish) news is that GirlWonder is learning to drive! This is probably just a defense mechanism since we keep leaving her places.

Seabolt celebrates her son's 18th birthday.

I had cookies for dinner last night. Who over the age of 4 does that?