Thursday, May 2, 2024

It's the dead of winter and a balmy -3 degrees here. This of course coincides perfectly with the need to start shopping for prom dresses to be worn in May.

I was probably thinking about boots when the white SUV pulled out.

Journey came on the radio. Don’t Stop Believin’. You get me, Steve Perry. You really get me.

The entire eight days GirlWonder was on vacation I prided myself on how well I was handling her absence.

We had made our lists and checked them twice. We had removed all extraneous jewelry. We had packed everything in 3 ounce clear travel sizes.

It was 9 balmy degrees. This was up from the low of zero midday.

As the children grow and change I have really enjoyed watching how the interaction between adult and child changes.

I love Christmas. I love the holidays, the happiness, the warm glow of twinkle lights.

By the time you read this, it will be Christmas.

The nice thing about marriage is that you have sort of a built in failsafe for those days when even though you love them, you really don’t LIKE your spouse very much.