Thursday, May 16, 2024

At last!While we were sleeping and even the stars shivered, he finally came, bringing with him his brushes to paint an icy forest on...

It would have been much more dramatic to have fallen while putting a horse over a four-foot fence.Instead, it was a humiliating fall from...

Was it magic? Was it time-lapse photography? Was it a mirage? How is it that the thicket -- my jungle to the west --...

Once the Fourth of July is history, the rest of the summer seems to break all speed records in racing toward the end of...

They were such an unlikely pair, but pair they were. Playing together. Sleeping together. Eating together.They were Hamilton, 70 lovable pounds of boxer mix,...

As Punxsutawney Phil, sensing that his winter's snooze is about to be interrupted, begins to twitch in his cozy man-made burrow, I implore you...

If there is one thing that will get you off your duff, whether or not you feel like it, it is the impending arrival...

This is anniversary month. It will not be celebrated or even observed. Don't anyone dare to wish me happy anniversary! It was one year...

(Editor's note: Generally, Janie Jenkins' column runs every other week and this would be her 'off week.

In just a minute or two, the longest day of the year will dawn and summer will officially arrive.Someone had better tell Mother Nature,...