Friday, May 17, 2024

This is the first Thanksgiving in many years that I won't be cooking dinner, with all the trimmings. I've said all along I'd do Easter and Thanksgiving as long as I could and I've finally had to concede.

Once again I'm sharing with you my mother's thoughts of Christmas and even though you receive this week's Farm and Dairy on Christmas Eve,...

It just doesn't seem possible that so much water could fall from the sky, day after day after day. But it does.

It would seem that summer has settled in for the long haul. Already the locust blossoms that saturated the sunlit afternoons and the evening breezes with their heady perfume have withered away and the orange blossoms have scattered their petals like snowflakes.

By now, your carcass soup -- you do make carcass soup don't you? -- is waiting for the mashed potatoes or noodles or rice,...

Could be you're tired of reading about the mundane happenings on this quiet island, and so I'm calling on my mother to rescue you.

Twenty-four years ago, when On My Mind was "born," I promised myself I would try very hard to not dwell on the past in...

Yes, coaxed forsythia, brought in perhaps 10 days ago, blooms on the kitchen table, brightening however gray the morning and hinting that hopefully King Winter and his minions are retreating.

Now the endless lists begin. What did we ever do BP — Before Post-its — because the list never happens to be where we...

Anyone who fancies himself a writer always reads and critiques other writers' efforts, sometimes with disdain and sometimes with admiration while saying to himself, "I wish I'd written that.