Saturday, May 18, 2024

Budget reductions are changing the face of the FSA offices across the state, like everyone we are doing more with less. Less staffing, limited supplies, and even proposals of fewer offices.

The Farm Service Agency has a new Land Contract Guarantee loan program to assist with the transfers of farm real estate. This has been a pilot program in six states for the past three years.

The Farm Service Agency has a loan program to assist rural youth to establish and operate income producing agriculture projects. The youth loan program is connected to participation in 4-H or FFA.

As the year winds down I would like to remind you that the Farm Service Agency offices have a The Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments Program yields and rates for 2010 crops. SURE is available for crop losses due to natural disasters.

The Farm Service Agency has come up with a service called TIP Net. This is a tool to connect retired or retiring land owners or operators with beginning or socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers who are interested in the Transition Incentives program (TIP).

Winterizing farm equipment can reduce start-up time in the spring, extend the life of equipment and allow for higher re-sale value.

We all have rituals and traditions that put us in the mood to get things done before, well, fill in the blank. Here at the Farm Service Agency, we have some annual clean-up and reminders that need to be done with the coming of the New Year.

Any payments received from USDA are subject to farmer eligibility as well as limited to a payment limitation provisions.

Your local Farm Service Agency accepted nominations for the county committee election. Each county office will host an election for local administrative areas. These areas are made up of certain townships within the county.

The Farm Service Agency has loan programs to assist members of socially disadvantaged groups and beginning farmers to finance agricultural enterprises.