Thursday, May 2, 2024
monarch butterfly

Help migrating Monarch butterflies by adding nectar-producing plants to your landscape, providing a steady supply of nectar all summer and into fall.

Hot weather can stress even the most heat tolerant plants. Your garden will need special care to survive extended dry periods and heat waves.
Black-eyed Susans

If planted properly, wildflower gardens can positively impact a local ecosystem. Learn how to select and plant native Pennsylvania wildflowers.

Learn how to find, identify and harvest black raspberries, black dewberries and blackberries throughout the summer.

Make your home less habitable for snakes and they will slither out the same way they came in. Learn how to deter snakes with these landscaping practices.
pickled cucumbers

Learn to properly pickle cucumbers to ensure safe preservation and optimum taste.
pup in grass

Dogs can't get poison ivy. Or can they? Some dogs are affected when exposed to poison ivy. Learn how to identify the symptoms and treat it accordingly.

While owning a backyard flock can be a rewarding experience, owners should be aware of safe handling practices to decrease Salmonella exposure.

Plant root depth, canopy development, growth habits, and nutrient requirements in a given climate largely determine the irrigation schedule.
sweaty, exhausted man

Learning to recognize and respond to the warning signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke can mean the difference between life and death.