Sunday, May 5, 2024

The United States and Japan finalized a deal Sept. 26 that will allow organic products certified in Japan or in the United States to be sold as organic in either country, beginning Jan. 1.

Fuel manufacturers could use at least 4.8 billion pounds of soybean oil this year.

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has levied more than $22,000 in fines against two Michigan livestock dealers who illegally moved calves without official Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags.

Can a conference committee quickly hammer out a new farm bill before Sept. 30? Doubtful.

Debate continues if benefits of country-of-origin labels policy outweigh costs.
Corn harvest.

Despite weather conditions in parts of the U.S., national corn production is forecast at 13.8 billion bushels, up 28 percent from 2012. If realized, this will be a new record production for the United States.

While many factors will shape and re-shape corn’s influence on wheat prices, the ongoing battle for planted acres will drive continued market volatility.

Although 100% effective in university tests, the vaccine still needs to be field tested before it becomes commercially available.

Everyone is wondering how their crops stack up this year. Here's a quick how-to guide for estimating your corn and soybean yields.

Ohio State expert: Conditions could not be more perfect for downy mildew and other late season soybean diseases.