Friday, September 20, 2024

MIDDLEFIELD, Ohio - Many of the 524 members of the Geauga County Farm Bureau were in attendance at the

MADISON, Wis. - Indian Acres MM Pistachio Pie, a 5-year-old Guernsey cow, has been named the supreme champion cow over all breeds at the 2007 World Dairy Expo.

TAMPA, Fla. - Magic mirror, on the wall, whose tomato is ugliest of all? With so many ugly entries to its Ugly Tomato Contest, Santa Sweets couldn't pick just one and instead decided to award 10 prizes for some of the most unsightly tomatoes that make their famous Uglyripes look pretty good.

The year was 1838. Martin Van Buren was president, Michigan had just become a state, the Civil War was still over 20 years in the future and the cornerstone of my barn was placed.

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio - U.S. farmers are on pace for the largest corn crop on record, as growers expect to harvest the most corn acres for grain since 1933.

WASHINGTON - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters are calling for above-average temperatures over most of the country and a continuation of drier-than-average conditions across already drought-stricken parts of the Southwest and Southeast in its winter outlook for the United States.

GEAUGA COUNTY, Ohio - Farmers in Montville, Thompson and Huntsburg townships are wired about CEI/FirstEnergy's determination to run transmission lines through crops and woodlands just east of state Route 528.

JELLOWAY, Ohio - One of the first lessons they teach in economics class is economics is about getting the most benefits from resources that are scarce.

MERCER, Pa. - Digging fence post holes is often one of the least favorite jobs on the farm. But brothers John and David McCullough gladly do it - and they dig a lot of them - just so they can farm.

SALEM, Ohio - Some Ohio farmers will take to the roads Oct. 19 in "fast tractors" with a new law to protect them and a new symbol to identify them.