Friday, May 3, 2024

MILLERSBURG, Ohio - Holmes County 4-H and FFA members were rewarded for their efforts during the year as the Junior Fair livestock sale was held.

SALEM, Ohio - Recent changes to federal tax law are looking pretty good for farmers and rural communities.

What's ahead for the U.S. economy in 2007? Not recession, probably. Not booming growth, either. Something in-between.

ROCK SPRINGS, Pa. - When Americans think ethanol, they think corn. But corn isn't the only way to get ethanol.

SALEM, Ohio - The Lawrence County 4-H Rural Teen Leadership Initiative got a boost this year with a $2,500 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

ROCK SPRINGS, Pa. - As long as farmers have been working the land and raising livestock, making hay has been one of agriculture's standard chores.

ROCK SPRINGS, Pa. - Pennsylvania's agricultural industry has a lot to look forward to, particularly in the area of renewable energy, according to Gov.

SALEM, Ohio - Pennsylvania is making huge strides in the ethanol race. Gov. Edward Rendell said Aug.

SALEM, Ohio - Ohio dairyman Bryan Wolfe is sick of low milk prices so he, along with the

SMITHFIELD, Ohio - There were many things to celebrate Saturday afternoon as the Jefferson County Junior Fair livestock sale got under way.