Tuesday, May 7, 2024

MADISON, Wis. - It's not just consumers who are contemplating the effects of high-protein diets; dairy farmers are, too.

MILLPORT, Ohio - 2004 left veteran weather watcher Edwin R. Copeland scratching his head. And Copeland, whose family has been official U.


COLUMBUS - Hog producers had one of the most profitable years of the last decade during 2004, and this typically drives producers to expand production.

PIKETON, Ohio - Production opportunities for growers delving into the shrimp market continue to expand with newly developed Ohio State University research on feeding options.

SALEM, Ohio -

BELTSVILLE, Md. - In the first study of its kind, an Agricultural Research Service scientist has shown that the byproduct of ethanol fermentation from corn stover can increase the structural stability and organic matter content of soil, particularly of highly eroded soil.

COLUMBUS - A program to restore habitat for Northern bobwhite quail is now available to property owners in 35 mostly western and southern Ohio counties, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife.