Friday, May 3, 2024

Ohio conference looks at links between soil, water, farming and profitability.

The United States and Mexico announced plans to improve air and water quality along the border.

State legislation pending in Ohio, Missouri to give farmers freedom to save crop seeds.

This year's honorees are Harold G. Burke, Maurice L. Allman, the late George D. Curtin Sr., William N. Grafton, the late Harry Lee Kesterson and Edward W. Rock.

Holmes County cheese factory is the only one in the world outside Norway making the fiercly guarded Jarlsberg.

Natural resources in good hands with winners of Ohio environmental awards.

Emily Caldwell of Beaver Falls crowned princess.

The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center will pay some or all of the cost of fencing for qualified farmers in Wayne County.

Stark County girl wins recruitment awards from Ohio Cattlemen's Association beef exhibitor program.

This reader says farmers helping with research to avoid lawsuits is blackmail.