Sunday, May 19, 2024
beef cattle in a field

The state committed $15 million from Ohio’s American Rescue Plan Act funds to procure meat, dairy and eggs from Ohio farmers.

SALEM, Ohio - With news of an impending hurricane, Louisiana cattlemen hauled their animals from the Gulf Coast to safety farther north.
spotted lanternflies

Cornell University-led research reports that two local fungal pathogens could potentially curb the destruction of the spotted lanternfly.
Brazil soybean plantation

Marlin Clark analyses recent shifts in the corn, soybean and wheat markets, identifying inclement weather around the world as a factor pushing up prices.

Farmers in western Pennsylvania often seek out lab services in other states, which Pa. Ag Secretary Russell Redding says isn't good enough for a state that claims to prioritize its agricultural economy.
Tomato tunnel

Clarion River Organics was one of 330 businesses given a deal to sell with Walmart through its ninth annual Open Call event.

The Medina County Historical Society's first open house of the year will be March 2 at the John Smart House.

The American majority turns a deaf ear to assaults on morality.

The report supplements the 1999 report and confirms reports of damage to 173 more properties. The percentage of undermined properties with damage has decreased.

Promoting the quality of a farm’s product, according to Sam Hawk, is every bit as important as the day-to-day production work. Hawk has no problem discussing his passion for farming.