Friday, May 3, 2024

Navy legend traces the roots of the goat mascot back to one of the very first football games.

The president of Mahoning County Farm Bureau writes that it is getting more difficult to keep the farm in the family.

Champion Hill at Bidwell, Ohio, took several wins in the breed show.

This year's community event falls on the exact 176th anniversary of the town's founding.

Forty-one remaining counties will receive their personalized bronze bells.

Finding the highest value for your pigs.

Mildred Betts and the late Arthur Betts were inducted into the Ashtabula County 4-H hall of fame.

Tuscarawas Soil and Water Conservation District recently appointed Tom Graham, of New Philadelphia, Ohio, as the coordinator of Huff Run Watershed.

The American Hereford Association is adding two calving ease EPDs to its performance records.

Minnesota's turkey producers have experiences losses of $15 million per year due to avian pneumovirus.