Sunday, May 5, 2024

Catch up on local 4-H news from Happy Harvesters 4-H club and Breeders and Feeders 4-H club.

Wildlife officials in Ohio and Tennessee combined in early June to apprehend a suspected poacher who reportedly took an over-limit of walleye on Lake Erie.

March's snowfall brought the winter's total to 45.3 inches, compared to a normal year of about 30 inches.

GREENBELT, Md. -- Farmer Gary Wagner walks into his field where the summer leaves on the sugar beet plants are a rich emerald hue...
coal plant

Reporter Chris Kick recently toured some Great Lakes energy facilities, to learn about the opportunities and challenges in the region.

SALEM, Ohio - Recently proposed regulations would require Pennsylvania's manure haulers and their employees to be certified and, in some cases, for the owner to be on-site during all applications.

The May primary will be a deciding factor for several OSU Extension programs and 4-H.

LONDON, Ohio - An added feature last year to the Farm Science Review in London, Ohio, was the state draft horse plowing match.

More than 70 varieties of vegetables are grown on farm, marketed to consumers and restaurants.

Economy, energy and EPA a few of the early Ohio Farm Bureau topics in D.C.