Sunday, May 19, 2024

MADISON, Wis. -- Throughout the week of the World Dairy Expo, five breed sales were held. The sales kicked off with the Top of the World Jersey sale, which sold 30 lots and averaged $3,315.

The Ohio Department of Agriculture is offering free nitrate testing of drought-stressed cornstalks.

The USDA announced the nationwide extension to allow all children to continue to receive nutritious meals this summer when schools are out of session.
Palmer Amaranth

Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, have become more widespread and they've adapted to fend off a few different herbicides that have been used to kill them.

Saliva-powered micro-sized microbial fuel cells can produce minute amounts of energy sufficient to run on-chip applications.

COLUMBUS - If the state of Ohio's corn crop stays on track with the USDA's predictions, farmers could be looking at a record yield.

The Thomas Edison program, administered by the Ohio Department of Development, is a network of nonprofit organizations that provide services to new and existing technology companies to create and attract technology-based jobs.

Groups gather to learn about livestock and ways to handle the animals.

The Ohio Bicentennial Commission is coordinating "Ohio and the World," a seven-part lecture series profiling Ohio at 50-year intervals from before statehood to present day.

Eleven percent of Americans can't find the United States on a map. In this week's commentary, editor Susan Crowell shares this and more startling survey data.