Saturday, May 18, 2024

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio - Corn stocks in all positions in Ohio on Dec. 1 totaled nearly 422.0 million bushels, 12 percent above the 376.

Picking a corn hybrid based on this year's Ohio State University Corn Performance Trials will be tricky.

COLUMBUS - Ohioans say they care about the welfare of farm animals, but what does that really mean? And what's the implications, long-term, for the state's $1.

LAWRENCE, Kan. -- Perennial hostas have long been a shade garden favorite, The leafy plants are hardy and both heat- and drought-tolerant. Until recently,...
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The Zane Trace FFA Chapter has been awarded a grant designed to help students and families in the local community.
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The West Muskingum FFA chapter placed fourth in the Ag Sales Career Development Event, held at Harrison Central.

Nov. 21 webinar highlights Pa. county’s effort to manage shale gas development.
Grand Champion Steer

Find all the results for the 2020 Mercer County Junior Livestock Club show and sale here.

An amendment to Pennsylvania's Right-to-Farm act, currently stuck in a House committee, would hold local officials financially responsible for adopting illegal ordinances restricting farm size.

CLERMONT, Ohio — The announcement by the Ohio Department of Agriculture that the Asian longhorned beetle was found in Ohio June 17 has panicked woodland owners, including maple syrup producers.