Friday, May 17, 2024

A Tuscarawas County teen won the state FFA proficiency award in equine management.

Marketing, breeding, pasture management and attention to details equals success for this Pa. sheep producer.

J.D. Miller and Ed Yoder sold many items from their 40-year-old collection of antique farm equipment.

Reader responds to a letter previously published in Farm and Dairy.

Eighty-nine cows and 16 workers have tested positive for bovine tuberculosis exposure at a 3,700-cow dairy farm in Tulare, Calif.

Wet fields have prevented Ohio's tomato and other vegetable crop producers from planting in a timely manner, which may result in reduced yields.

Pennsylvania is offering nutrient management grants for livestock producers, up to $75,000.

The U.S. Senate killed an amendment that would have permanently repealed the death tax.

Pa. Gov. Mark Schweiker recently lifted the drought emergency for six counties and restored 14 other counties to normal status.

Since its beginning in the 1500s, the Wye oak tree saw the birth of a nation and survived countless thunderstorms, tornadoes and diseases, but was toppled by high winds June 6.