Saturday, May 18, 2024

Wet fields have prevented Ohio's tomato and other vegetable crop producers from planting in a timely manner, which may result in reduced yields.

Pennsylvania is offering nutrient management grants for livestock producers, up to $75,000.

The U.S. Senate killed an amendment that would have permanently repealed the death tax.

Pa. Gov. Mark Schweiker recently lifted the drought emergency for six counties and restored 14 other counties to normal status.

An amendment to Pennsylvania's Right-to-Farm act, currently stuck in a House committee, would hold local officials financially responsible for adopting illegal ordinances restricting farm size.

Wheat production in Ohio has been in a steady decline since 1996.

Leaving behind careers and college degrees, Art and Larry King went back to their family's roots in 1992 and took over the vegetable farm their father started in the early 1940s.

Colonial Williamsburg's Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum will display an exhibition of bed coverlets from the private collection of Foster and Muriel McCarl of Beaver Falls, Pa.

Researcher detectives determine what's affecting the animal's welfare and find ways to improve the environment so the animal is more comfortable and, therefore, more productive.

Reader comments on ruling in regard to manufactured homes.