Sunday, May 19, 2024

Wheat production in Ohio has been in a steady decline since 1996.

More than 300 Tuscarawas County 4-H'ers took over the fairgrounds in Dover, Ohio, earlier this summer.

ATHENS, Ga. - While global positioning satellite systems are a relatively new technology, humans have been using information for years from one ancient satellite: the moon.

COLUMBIA, Mo. - Gasoline and diesel prices are high and probably will remain so for several years. But give them time and pump prices will come down, said Ray Massey, a University of Missouri Extension agricultural economist.

SALEM, Ohio - An Alabama cow tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy last week, marking the third confirmed case in the U.

COLUMBUS -- The Ohio Historical Society is accelerating a plan to reinvent itself as a state history organization, according to executive director and CEO...

The free fishing weekend for Ohio residents is set for June 19 and 20.
Fertilizer application

Ohioans who apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres are now required to be state-certified, but there's still time before spring to get your training.

Total per capita meat consumption of all red meat and poultry by U.S. consumers is expected to approach 219 pounds [retail weight] during 2002, which is a new record.