Ohioans can fish for free June 19-20


COLUMBUS — The free fishing weekend for Ohio residents is set for June 19 and 20. Ohio residents may fish for free in any of Ohio’s public waters, including Lake Erie and the Ohio river, during this weekend.

It is the only weekend all year when those 16 years old and older are not required to obtain a fishing license to fish in the state’s public waters. Visit the Find a Destination page at ohiodnr.gov to explore public fishing locations near you. Find information on fishing special locations, such as Lake Erie and the Ohio River, fishing tips and tricks, and suggestions on fishing for specific species on the Fishing License and Resource page at wildohio.gov.

Anglers 16 years and older are required to have a valid fishing license to take fish, frogs, or turtles from Ohio waters when not fishing during Ohio’s free fishing weekend.