Friday, May 3, 2024

Take heart, friends, take heart -- Groundhog Day approaches!And whether or not the furry rodent sees his shadow, spring is just six weeks away...

Let's just come right out and say it: 2008 was a bummer.Actually, that is one of the kindest things one might say about the...

There is a sweet 1834 painting by Edward Hicks titled The Peaceable Kingdom showing animals of every description relaxing together, and I have a...

Now the endless lists begin. What did we ever do BP — Before Post-its — because the list never happens to be where we...

October's fabled bluebird weather has long since flown, but while blending into grey November left memories that will help us survive the looming winter.One...

Reading the daily horoscope is always good for a laugh, especially when it predicts wonderful romantic encounters plus great wealth and adventurous travel.Mine for...

To paraphrase the famous lines from Robert Burns' To a Mouse poem: The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. (If...

In the column for the Sept. 11 edition, I wrote about all the scary storms everywhere else and hoped the other shoe would not...

With the scary hurricanes and scary tornadoes and scary severe thunderstorms swirling all around us, we keep waiting for the other shoe to drop,...

They were such an unlikely pair, but pair they were. Playing together. Sleeping together. Eating together.They were Hamilton, 70 lovable pounds of boxer mix,...