Thursday, May 2, 2024
banded woolly bear

Their abundance, wide distribution and flexible diet make woolly bear caterpillars ideal for a home school science project. Learn how to care for them.
guy with table full of turkeys

West Virginia FFA's Creed Ammons won the 2020 FFA National Proficiency Award in agriculture processing.
vote 2020 buttons

American Farm Bureau Federation and National Famers Union are ready to work with Joe Biden, who is projected to be the 46th president of the United States.
Wayne County Fair

Find all the results for the 2020 Wayne County Fair junior livestock sale here.
tick up close

Learn more about the types of ticks found in Ohio, the types of diseases they cause and how you can protect yourself from tick bites.
wild turkeys

Barb Mudrak traces the history of turkeys in the Ohio Valley back to 6000 BC. Learn how they came to inhabit the area, evolved over time and survive today.
A farm staff member sorts carrots in crates.

Refugees are the main staff at Ohio City Farm, in Cleveland, Ohio. Though they come from different countries and have varying levels of English language skills, agriculture is a language they all understand.
people walk up and down the midway at a fair.

Amid an intense election day and rising COVID-19 cases, two Ohio state senators introduced a bill seeking to overturn a July 30 health director order that limited fairs to junior fairs only.
sea of corn

Ethanol production hit record lows in April when stay-at-home orders were enacted. Learn more about the local impact and where the industry stands today.
black walnut

Learn how to pick an ideal planting site, choose viable seeds and ensure seed germination to successfully grow a walnut tree from seed.