Friday, May 3, 2024
Hands type on a laptop.

How do you solve an $80 billion problem? Economists and rural broadband advocates are looking for solutions to rural broadband access challenges, but there is no silver bullet, and some say it's hard to know how effective subsidy programs are, given the limited research.

Learn how to help the environment and get your yard and garden prepared for winter quicker and with less effort.
adult spotted lanternfly with wings open

A population of the invasive spotted lanternfly has been found in Jefferson County, Ohio, the Ohio Department of Agriculture says.

ReImagine Appalachia's plan would create jobs, but require billions of dollars in funding and put 28,000 workers in fossil fuels industries out of work.
cattle on pasture

Pennsylvania leads the country in organic livestock and poultry sales, with $449 million in sales in 2019, according to the recently released 2019 Organic Survey.
John Grimes

As the sun is setting on John Grimes' second three-year term, he reflects on his leadership as Certified Angus Beef board chairman.
A woman and a man look at pumpkins outside of a barn.

Despite the pandemic, attendance and interest hasn’t been lacking at many agritourism farms this fall. Farms have still had to make some adjustments, but fall agritourism is still happening in Ohio this year.
blue-winged teal duck

It's no surprise Magee Marsh was named one of the top 10 birding sites in the U.S. Hundreds of species of birds stop there during their spring migration.

NOAA's winter forecast for the U.S. favors warmer, drier conditions across the southern tier of the U.S., and cooler, wetter conditions in the North.
A combine harvesting soybeans in a field.

Climate change presents challenges for agriculture. Its effects can disrupt food access and increase food prices. And ag also contributes to climate change. As the effects of climate change continue to show in the Midwest and across the world, farmers are adjusting, and farmers' groups are seeking policies that support them.