Friday, May 3, 2024
Nick Thomas and his bike

Calling themselves the "Runaway Interns," Nick Thomas and his friend biked cross-country to raise funds for an illness his sister has.
Holstein dairy cattle grazing

Summertime tends to be peak time for fungus-related problems from fescue grass.
Fishing on Lake Erie

Experts predict a smaller algae bloom on Lake Erie this year, but say nutrient loading still needs reduced.

The holidays may be months away, but growing a big and beautiful bird to adorn your holiday table starts in summer.
Field Notes 6.23.16video

In this week's episode of Field Notes, we look at this year's wheat harvest and how the recent West Virginia flooding has affected farms and communities. We'll also look at our latest Hazard a Guess item and Vacation with Us submission.
Tractor lighting and visibility

The U.S. Department of Transportation published a final rule standardizing lighting and markings on farm equipment on highways, June 22; manufactures have a year to comply.

Swine numbers show modest increases, but profits are still falling.
West Virginia flood water

Farmers continue to assess the damage from devastating floods that ravaged parts of West Virginia while many have reached out to help in their time of need.
tomato blossom end rot

Blossom end rot can affect tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, squash and even watermelons.
Wheat harvestvideo

The Ohio wheat harvest has begun, and other crops continue to progress where rain has fallen.