Friday, May 3, 2024
Week in Review 4/18

This week’s top stories include an announcement about Earth Day, sunlight requirements for growing vegetables, an update on a vegan tutor’s settlement with the school district he worked for, weather resources for farmers and tips for keeping wildlife out of your garden.

WASHINGTON -- Can consumers and farmers come to the table to discuss animal care and welfare down on the farm?The American Farm Bureau Federation...
wind turbines

In a rare move, the Ohio Power Siting Board denied Republic Wind's application to build a 200 megawatt wind farm in Seneca and Sandusky counties. Community activists celebrated the rejection, while the developer, Apex Clean Energy, cried foul.

Find out who topped the junior fair market livestock competitions, and see if you're in a slideshow of photos taken at this year's Jefferson...
Farmer standing by tractor

Climate risk in agriculture is likely to be greater in the next 20 years. Manage that risk by keeping track of weather patterns in your area.
Greenland king's road

Rebecca Miller travels north with North Atlantic Native Sheep and Wool Conference, and is reminded of what connects all of us.

Bill will strengthen food policy, and make exemptions for small and local producers.
Manure agitation

Manure handling equipment requires attention to detail, and not getting too comfortable.
Scott Shearer

Experts discuss the latest innovations in autonomous tractors and soy biodiesel at Ohio Soybean Association's Hometown Tour stop at Layman Farms.
Master shepherd award

Ohio shepherd's sheep symposium focuses on better sheep production, and presents awards.