Ask FSA Andy about upcoming deadlines


Hello again,

As I reflect back on our Thanksgiving Day, we have so very much to be thankful for — the feast, family and friends filled the farmhouse kitchen.

The combine is in the shed, and the crop is in the bin. The children have bagged one deer and everyone has deer cameras from Athens to Danville. I could write a book about the Thanksgiving Day stories shared on deer hunting and Black Friday shopping.

As you warm up from deer hunting, I would encourage you to review your farm leases and take any changes with you into the Farm Service Agency office.

It is also County Committee election time and due to a change in the ballot mailing you have an additional week to return your ballot. Last day to vote is Dec. 13.

FSA dates to remember

  • Nov. 1-Aug. 1 — ARC/PLC sign up
  • Nov. 15 — Hay reporting deadline (late file provisions available until Dec. 15)
  • Dec. 15 — Wheat reporting deadline
  • Dec. 16 — MPP sign up deadline

We would encourage you to contact your local office to schedule an appointment. Have a great week and be safe hunting.

That’s all for now,

FSA Andy

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