FSA Andy for Dec. 10, 2009


Dear farmers:
In the midst of the holiday bustle we need to catch up on paperwork after the long harvest season. I still have several farmers that have corn in the field and can’t deliver it to the elevator that it’s contracted to.

With that thought in mind, here are some Farm Service Agency programs you need to take a look at that might be able to help out in future harvest seasons.

The Farm Service Agency has a Farm Facility Loan program that will help you obtain loans for grain bins, dryers, augers, etc at relatively low interest rates.

Although no quick fix this month, if you can plan ahead for next year, this type of loan is a very useful tool.

Another program available is the Marketing Assistance Loan on crops stored on the farm or at a warehouse. One can obtain loans on program crops such as shelled corn, ear corn, high moisture corn and soybeans. These crop loans are for nine months and again have low interest rates and can be issued in just a few days.

Now, if you need the loan in December, start the ball rolling this week to ensure the funds get to your account before Christmas.

A new twist to our loan programs is the availability of hay and biomass storage buildings.

I attended two-day training this past week and we talked a good bit about the program and we still have a lot to learn.

If you are in the need of hay storage, the program works very similar to the grain bin program. If you have any questions, stop in and talk to the staff at your local FSA office.

With all this loan talk and information, I can’t seem to find a program to help out with the purchase of the Christmas pony… that my son so wants.

I have been to two pony sales and have found three “kid-safe” ponies. Unfortunately, every time I have been the backup bidder — the first one was a 3-year-old spotted gelding that was very sharp. He rode and drove him at the auction, and at $350, I was out.

Today, we tried again. This time a 2-year-old black butterball that was broke to ride and drive but was only 35 inches tall. Again, it brought $350, and I was out.

The third was a mare that I loved, but he didn’t. I hope I can find a keeper between now and Christmas.

Like so many of the FSA personnel, I am sure you know we enjoy working for you, the farmer, and are glad to be able to share our family adventures with you throughout the year.

That’s all for now,
FSA Andy

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