FSA Andy for May 21, 2009


Hello Again!

And a warm welcome to the beautiful springtime weather! With spring planting around the corner, the Farm Service Agency encourages producers to report any prevented planting acreage or failed crop acreage that will not be brought to harvest to their local FSA office.

Failed acreage must be reported to FSA before destroying and replanting to allow time for a field check. It is very important farmers report failed acreage that will not be brought to harvest to the FSA office prior to destruction.

This simple act of insuring that failed acres are documented could be the determining factor in whether or not a farmer is eligible for future crop disaster program payments.

Prevented Planting is the inability to plant crop acreage with proper equipment during the established planting period for the crop due to a natural disaster condition. Producers must be able to prove to the satisfaction of the FSA County Committee they intended to plant the crop acreage and the crop could not be planted because of a natural disaster.

Prevented Planting acreage should be reported as soon as possible after the ending planting date but not later than 15 calendar days after the Risk Management Agency (RMA) established final plant date for the crop.

RMA Final Plant dates for 2009 are:

Crop- RMA Final Plant Date*

Wheat- Oct. 20, 2008

Barley- Oct. 20, 2008

Oats- April 25, 2009

Corn- June 5, 2009

Soybeans- June 20, 2009

*Final plant dates may differ from county to county.

Please check with your local FSA office for specific dates for your county. Form CCC-576, Notice of Loss, is used to report failed and prevented planting acreage and may be completed by any producer with an interest in the crop.

Producers with crop losses covered by the Non-insured Assistance Program (NAP) must contact their local FSA office within 15 days of the occurrence of the disaster or when losses become apparent.

Producers with crop insurance coverage should contact their local agent when losses occur and before destroying the crop.

Crops not covered with crop insurance or a NAP policy should still be reported to the local FSA office. This will provide FSA with a historical record of your crop should disaster assistance become available.

Also, producers are encouraged to keep good production records on acreage with a low crop yield to document crop losses.

Additional information in regard to failed crop acreage or crop losses covered by the NAP can be obtained by contacting your local FSA office.

FSA program information is also available online at Farm Service Agency.

That’s all for now,

FSA Andy

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