FSA Andy: FSA Seeking Crop Adjusters


Hello Again!

Do you like to travel and work outdoors at your own pace? Then this just may be the perfect job for you! The USDA Ohio Farm Service Agency (FSA) is seeking qualified individuals with knowledge of field crops and specialty crops interested in becoming Independent Crop Loss Adjustment Contractors for FSA.

FSA administers the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) which provides financial assistance to eligible producers affected by drought, flood, hurricane, or other natural disasters. FSA utilizes crop loss adjusters when producers experience crop losses from disasters.

Contracted crop loss adjusters will be responsible for completing field inspections, reading maps and aerial photos, measuring fields and assessing damage. The loss adjuster will perform fact-finding (regarding crop damage), record information and submit loss information to accurately assess indemnity.

Interested individuals should submit a resume and a brief written summary of their agricultural background and mail the information to the address listed below. Packages must be received by May 1, 2013. Contact: Ohio FSA State office, Attn: Matt Kleski, 200 North High Street, Room 540, Columbus, OH 43215

Travel expenses are reimbursable. Further training will be provided to crop loss adjusters once a selection has been made.

A detailed job description for the Independent Crop Loss Adjustment Contractors position is available on the Ohio FSA website at: www.fsa.usda.gov/oh.
That’s all for now,

FSA Andy

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