Producers should apply for LDPs for wool, mohair


Hello again,

Did you see those two crazy women at the mall pulling the door handles off of that salt-covered gray Blazer? Did you see the older one running around all sides punching the keyless entry? How about the one looking down under for the hidden key and the other one pulling on the tailgate with no avail?

Oh yes after five to six minutes of scarring a gray Blazer one noticed this one had a broken taillight and the other said “Mine doesn’t have a broken light …” Wrong Trailblazer girls!! That’s what we get for shopping at 7 a.m. at the mall the day after Christmas.

Year-end tasks

If I see another cookie or cheese ball I think I am going to be sick. I love to eat and cook, but the combination is bad for my physique. We had a wonderful Christmas and are just trying to wrap up the year-end paperwork for both our own farm and the FSA office.

As you are going through papers make sure you have taken your 2010 wool, mohair and unshorn lamb receipts into the FSA office to file for 2010. Eligible producers have until Jan. 31 to apply for LDPs for wool, mohair and unshorn pelts produced during the 2010 crop year.


Eligible producers must have beneficial interest in the pelts, have owned the lamb for at least 30 calendar days before the date of slaughter and must sell the unshorn lamb for immediate slaughter.

Producers must also comply with wetland conservation and highly-erodible land conservation provisions on all lands they operate or have interest in. To qualify for payment, pelts must have been produced by an eligible producer from live unshorn lambs of domestic origin in the U.S.

Happy New Year!

That’s all for now!

FSA Andy

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