Thursday, May 2, 2024

Monthly Archives: April 2007

HARRISBURG, Pa. - Consumers who have purchased raw milk from Fisher's Dairy in Butler County, Pa., any time after April 9, 2007, should discard it immediately due to the risk of Listeria monocytogenes contamination.

Isn't it odd how certain moments in time stay with us, remaining vibrant in our memories? I have one such memory, and while I can't explain why it stands out while others that were certainly more important have faded away, it is as clear as though it happened yesterday.

Be it mere coincidence or clear symbolism, the delightfully early and deliciously warm spring enjoyed by farmers and ranchers came to a stone-cold halt just days after the U.

The overall objective for calf bedding is to keep the calf clean, dry and comfortable - all critical factors for successfully raising healthy, happy calves.

Libraries have always been a home away from home for me. Whether I stood beside the "stacks" (bookshelves) or in a privileged place behind the desk, I sensed at an early age the quiet, potential "wealth" around me.

I remember when I first made the clear connection between what I wore and how I felt. It was the dawn of middle school, which in our district was seventh grade.

Twenty years ago on April 4, I awakened to a white glare outside the bedroom window, realized the glare was from snow, laughed aloud, burrowed back beneath the covers, and snoozed for another 30 minutes.

NEW ORLEANS - This is the story of a rose. A nameless rose. A rose that has no thorns - not one. It came to Peggy Martin as a little cutting from a friend, who had gotten a cutting from a relative, who had in turn gotten it from another relative.

MILWAUKEE, Wis. - Exports of U.S.-made farm machinery totaled $7.3 billion in 2006, a gain of more than 10 percent compared to the previous year, according to data released by the

LISBON, Ohio - In order to celebrate Columbiana County's historical grandstand and draw attention to the many activities that go on during the county fair, board member Bob Stark and Sharen Cope put their heads together.