Thursday, May 2, 2024

Monthly Archives: May 2007

Life is made up of a million and one ordinary days, but into this mix are sprinkled some truly momentous moments, usually spread out with wonderful harmony and the balance of time.

Newton's Third Law of Motion, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," has direct application to the physics of farm bills.

Storing hay, after production, has a cost to the farm operator in terms of time, effort and machinery required to move bales from production areas to storage areas and then to feeding areas.

This spring at our house, we've sampled a couple packages of shipped-in strawberries. They garnish a pretty plate, aren't bad on cereal , but we're still waiting for strawberries fresh from our local patches.

If you can read this, I have survived to write it and (blessedly) not been killed in a tragic multi-car pileup in the carpool lane.

BLACKSBURG, Va. - With the grass now growing rapidly, some horses are in danger experiencing pasture-induced laminitis.

MILO, Iowa - Recent USDA numbers show the inventory of breeding sheep is down. But one breed of sheep is showing a remarkable increase.

COLUMBIA, Mo. - Biodiesel is in high demand. The byproduct of this alternative source of energy, glycerin, is next, according to an agriculture scientist at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. - The Northern Panhandle Stockman's Association of West Virginia held its annual Blue Gold Showdown Junior Show May 12.

COLUMBUS - Seeking to protect Ohio's dogs from horrible abuse at the hands of irresponsible breeders who operate puppy mills, Ohio Sen.